Monday, January 30, 2006

the best pizza crust

Yesterday, I made pizza with a dough recipe from Gourmet's recent 65th Anniversary edition. In the past, I've only found marginally satisfying pizza dough recipes; this will now be my standard. It stretched like a dream--no gapin holes. It was fluffy and crispy at the same time and perhaps tastier than the toppings I added to it. I used a crapola pizza pan, so I can imagine the transcendent results that would come from using a pizza stone. All hail Gourmet. I'm sorry I have no picture for you, but lately my stomach gets the best of my blogging plans. While I think I shall stick with this recipe, I'd love to hear your pizza dough recommendations.


Blogger Lisa B. said...

For a long time now, I've used my french bread recipe and just rolled it super thin. I also have made a delicious crust from one of the Tassajara cookbooks--it has some buckwheat and rye flours in it, and it is super delish. I will get the Gourmet recipe from you, however, as it's important to enlarge one's horizons on the basics, I feel.

8:52 AM  
Blogger Sarah @ Baby Bilingual said...

I've only ever made pizza crust by prepping tbe dough in my bread machine and then rolling it out myself. Adequate but unremarkable. I think I'm scared of working with yeast!

2:19 PM  
Blogger lis said...

lisa, the buckwheat and rye crust sounds fabulous. recipe?

sarah, don't be afraid of yeast.

6:50 AM  
Blogger kitchenmage said...

My usual pizza crust is something like this.

1/2 cup of whatever starter is around
1/2 cup water
1 cup bread flour
1 tsp salt
1 tbsp olive oil
enough AP flour that it feels right
handful of fresh chopped herbs (oregano is good for this)

Ummm, that's not so useful. :-)

Get the pizza stone, that's what will make the difference. In fact, get a few. Measure your stove interior, go to the local hardware store and find unglazed tiles that fit. Buy at least four so you can have a bottom and a *top* for a better "pizza oven experience". Put them on the next to top rack shelf and the next to bottom, heat for an hour at 500 (F) and your crusts will bake up lovely and crispy.

1:46 PM  

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