a yurt christmas

The Uintas are a high mountain range with shallow valleys. The first part of our journey was a fairly gentle glide on partially groomed trails through pines and aspens, leading to a final steep slog up to our yurt which is appropriately called the Ridge. The yurt was nestled into a slight depression in the ridge.
As far as winter camping goes, a yurt is pretty luxorious. There is a wood stove, so you can keep yourself pretty warm (if you don't choke on the smoke from the faulty drafting). You get to sleep off the floor on wooden bunks. There is an outhouse. There is a propane stove and lantern and a large stack of chopped wood. Still, seeing as I detest winter and being cold, I was a bit apprehensive about the whole thing. But thanks to a new down, zero degree sleeping bag and some good food, I survived (and am even looking forward to making another yurt trip in two weeks).
But the food. Trying to plan Christmas dinner that can be cooked entirely on a propane stove is a tricky thing (especially when you have to consider the weight of your food). With a little brainstorming and Will's willingness to be a workhorse and tow in a sled full of food, we ended up with a very satisfactory Christmas feast.

The obvious plan for Christmas eve dinner was pan-fried ham. We added mashed potatoes (mashed entirely--and quite handily, I might add--with a dinner fork) and asparagus (totally out of season, but. . . ) to round things out. And for dessert, rice pudding--which not only happens to be one of few stove-top desserts but also happens to be a Christmas tradition for Will's family. Will's dad is apparently the family's rice pudding master, but he was kind enough to step out of my way and let me craft the pudding (even though it was my first effort); it felt like a bit of an honor that I was trusted with the family tradition. Part of the tradition includes hiding an almond in the pudding which provides its discoverer with some luck. Rice pudding is a good choice for deesert when all you have is a stove-top, but at 9400 feet liquids boil very quickly making it tricky to properly cook rice leaving the pudding a little, well, chewy. We topped off the evening's meal with hot chocolate (chopped Scharffenberger with milk, to be exact) and peppermint schnapps.
For Christmas morning (after clearing our lungs from soot-filled sleep), we ate french toast from some chocolate chunk challah bread I'd baked at home, bacon, and reheated (and surprisingly tasty) mashed potatoes.
This is the kind of winter camping I can support: slighty warm conditions, good food (and lots of it)
What a wonderful new tradition! Maybe every Christmas will be a yurty one from now on. The food sounds just as good as anything you would have had back home (and I bet the hot chocolate and bread pudding tasted even better than they would have if no cross-country skiing had been involved).
Glad you had a good time. It does sound scary at first, but I suppose once you get used to it it would be kind of fun. I've only been camping once, in the summer, and I didn't like it. I grew up on a lake in the country, so I'm cool with bugs and campfires and other campy stuff, but I like a real bed and a real toilet. My parents actually still have an outhouse, out of use for years, but it's still there on the property.
I actually love camping. I'm just not too keen on doing it in winter. But the yurt trip was actually really fun--a great way to make winter camping a little more tolerable.
bread pudding? there was no bread pudding. just rice pudding. and french toast with the challah bread.
sorry--I hope my switching to the new blogger didn't screw you two up. sending invitations right now.
Sorry -- rice pudding + french toast somehow amalgamated in my mind to become bread pudding. yikes ...
Thanks for the re-invite -- I think I might have to re-create my Blogger profile, but after that I should be all set.
yeah, me too, sorry about the bread pudding confusion!
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